Tive a honra de integrar o time de ilustradores deste projeto para a Hasbro. Colaborei com os diretores de arte na criação de assets, pintura de cenários e lettering. Foi uma experiência extremamente enriquecedora, e aprender mais sobre a pipeline de uma produção de animação desse porte me ajudou muito profissionalmente. Trabalhei ao lado de artistas incríveis e me diverti bastante ao longo do processo.


I had the honor of being part of the team of illustrators for this project with Hasbro. I collaborated with the art directors in the creation of assets, background painting, and lettering. It was an incredibly enriching experience to learn more about the pipeline of an animation production of this scale. I worked alongside amazing artists and had lots of fun along the way.
Production Company:
Dirty Work

Executive Producer:
Ito Andery
Hwira Gibin

Gustavo Leal
Faga Melo

Account Manager:
Karima Ruhmann
Production Coordinator:
Letícia Harumi

Art Direction:
Everton Caetano
Thiago Biazzoto

Everton Caetano
Thiago Biazzoto
Lua Costa
Victor Rosa

Ricardo Sasaki
Gustavo Leal

Ricardo Sasaki
Faga Melo

Traditional Animation:
Bruno Curcino

Bruno Curcino
Cut Out Animation:
Thiago Bernardes

Thiago Bernardes

Music Production Company: Canja Audio Culture
Music by: Edu Karas, Lucas Sfair e Filipe Resende
Account Manager: Guga Costa
Music Coordinator: Ana Flor
Audio Producer: Levi Mynssen
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